Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vacation = Pink Eye

Not me. The Dog.
Nasty. I spent the last 20 minutes carefully combing out clumped up dried eye gook out of his left eye. The clump was huge and at one point I was gagging so hard that I had to stop and regroup.

He seems to be much happier now that he can see out of his eye. There's no big pile of gook blocking his vision.

Off to wash my hands... with bleach. The last thing that I want is pink eye from a damn dog.

"So, how was your vaca....Oh HELL! What is wrong with your EYE?!?!"

Jess, have fun drinking that shit for your glucose test. May God be on your side that you don't have any morning sickness. I had such a hard time keeping it down and was gagging at the smell. But then again I had morning sickness up until the end of my 7th month or something. *hug* (I don't know if that's for you or for me.)



Anonymous said...

yikes. I didn't even know dogs could get pink eye!
BTW, the glucose test wasn't as bad as I thought it would be