Halloween. What an awesome holiday. No need to exchange gifts! You can dress up as anyone or anything that you can imagine. I love it! This year I was Marie Antoinette. I made the entire costume except for the gold dress. That was a child's princess costume. I cut it up and made it my own. I do have to admit that the costume came out awesome and I was able to win "Most Scary" at work. Woo hoo! Check it out!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Posted by
8:28 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
So far so good.
Well, Sunday was hell so compared to that day I seem to be doing better. I ate some chocolate. Rock on.
Tyler got his first little "score card" sent home. Seems like my sweet little munchkin isn't doing so well in a few areas. He needs to learn his shapes (which I thought he already knew)and he has to do a better job following directions, listening and working quietly at his desk. Ryan and I are thinking that he is the little class clown at school which is fine and dandy, but he better realize that the school WORK comes first. The teacher also mentioned something about him developing better work habits.
Oh. I need to post pictures. I haven't done that in a while. I'm off to work, so I'll do it the next time I post.
Posted by
7:02 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Having a bad weekend
Something isn't right in my brain this weekend. I don't know if it has
to do with quitting smoking (yes, quoting AGAIN) or if I really need
to go in and get my meds adjusted again. I can say that this does
happen almost once a month, but it's hell and Ryan just has no idea
how to handle it. Instead of trying to make me feel better, he just
snaps at me asking me what my problem is. Hey, dickhead! I'm bi polar
and depressed! Maybe you would take a little more care when asking me
about my feelings since I'm on the brink of just running away so no
one can find me. He's such an ass when it comes to dealing with
"episodes". I don't have them that often, and his support is a big
deal when it comes to how long they last and even how bad they get. I
can honestly say that tomorrow at work I'll probably feel 80 percent
better. Monday feels so far away!
Posted by
12:19 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Smores anyone?
Im sitting at my desk and it smells like a campfire. At least everyone
smells the same.
Posted by
8:24 AM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fire Update
This was just taken at about 12:45pm. You can totally tell that Ryan and I haven't been through many fires. No one else seems to think anything of the fire, even though it's inching closer and closer every hour. I called Danielle to see what we should do and she said that she was going to head home from work and maybe watch the fire from her porch. LMAO. I'm off to throw some things in my car...
Posted by
12:56 PM
The Valley is on Fire...How about a Doughnut?
So the valley is on fire. Santa Ana winds have been such a wonderous help putting out the fire that some dumb ass set and now I'm buried under a smokey blanket. My eyes burned as I headed out to my work to take care of some things on my requested day off. It's unlikely that it will make it's way anywhere near us, but the smoke was almost too much for me and I did not appriciate watching flakes of ash fall from the sky.
I had the news on and a newsreporter was reporting of the evacuations that were taking place for residence near the fire area. The Red Cross set up camp at the local High School and was taking people. The guy went on talking about these people having no time to pack up belongings and get to shelter. He also then went on to say that people have been "arriving and enjoying doughnuts and soda". Seriously? I would have thought that a more, um, healthy snack would have been provided for these people that are stressed and sleep deprived. It's no wonder why this country is so f'ing overweight. Stressed out? Have some sugar.
Now, I should complain too much because these items could have been donated by a local business. I would have thought that at least water would have been the beverage of choice. Don't you just love my ramblings?
Okay, on to the fire. A second one has broken out in Porter Ranch, which is closer to us. Woo hoo...
Posted by
8:49 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Home Sweet Home
We returned from our trip to Illinois on Sunday. This return was much harder then the others. I really can't explain why. Ryan and I even questioned if we would ever move back, and I couldn't see why not until we returned back to California. It has been in the 90's and while we were out in IL it was in the mid 50's. Ahhhh yes. I was happy to return back to the smog and sunshine! It may not be the cleanest city. It may not have the lush lawns and cookie cutter houses as the good ole Mid West, but there is something here that would be hard to leave.
We had a busy busy week with a wedding and a surprise birthday party. There were many many friends to visit, and a special "new" one that I couldn't meet in person due to a wonderful cold (Peyton, thanks for making your enterance while I was in town!). I wore myself out staying up super late and traveling many miles around the greater Chicago suburbs to have a round of shots or a round of laughs with the people that keep me coming back. Thanks to everyone for any effort that was made to hang out past YOUR bedtime and have one or two shots with the old couple from L.A.
But as I hugged everyone goodbye, I couldn't help but to feel so alone. Ryan and I started "early": married at 21, first baby at 23, second at 25... all the while my friends lived it up in college or went out for "girls' night" which I was never invited to. Now that my kids are older, I sit back and watch those friends catch up. Getting married, having children, gaining careers. I can't help but to feel 10 years older then they are and the burn of missing out on times that should have been care free and simple. I'm not saying that I would have changed anything that I started and finished or that I would have decided to do anything differently. In another 5 years they will catch up to where I was and life will provide us more to talk about. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to "leave" or a more fun crowd to "return" to. Just don't ever assume that I wouldn't want to know the gossip or that I may not enjoy some random pictures of all you nuts at a random get-together.
With that I give you fare warning of the Ross' return in May. So be rested and ready to go... we'll have a lot to catch up on.
Posted by
9:14 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Awesome news: Peyton has arrived! 6 lbs 6oz 19in. I cannot believe
that the timing worked out just so that she would be born while we
were visiting, but I'm pissed as hell that I can't go visit before I
leave because I'm f'ing sick.
But congrats to Jessica and Mike! They are going to be wonderful
Posted by
7:07 AM