Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I love to ride my bicycle, I love to ride my biiiike!
My bike kicks ass.
I need to take a picture of it.
It's a 7-speed beach cruiser.
Seafoam Green.
My bike has a
wire basket
attached to the front.
I do not have a bell on my bike.
When I need to pass some one while riding to work, I scream, "PASSING ON YOUR LEFT!!!!!".
The only problem is that more than half the time they do not speak English, so who knows what they think I'm saying.
I think that a bell may be beneficial to my safety and those that I have to pass.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Classic Video
Aislynn was 22 months old and she was ready for MARDI GRAS!
Posted by
7:06 AM
A Green Bag and a Pile of Shit
Dogs... I love them. I love mine and I have never really met one that I didn't like. They love you when they first meet you and there is nothing better than coming home after a long day and having your dog act like you've been gone for 12 days instead of 8 hours.
But there is one problem I have and that isn't the problem of a dog, it's the problem of the thing on the other end of the leash-the owner.
Our nice little community is "pet friendly". So if you want, you can move in with your little furball and be happy. You can take Fifi or Fido out for a walk on the back walking path and enjoy the beautiful weather. But some owners fail to pay attention to these little green boxes that hold plastic baggies and have a nice container underneath. They are the home of "Poo Pouches" and they are EVERYWHERE. So your sweet little dog does his business and you grab a bag and pick it up. After that, you walk maybe 30 steps or so back to the can and toss it. What a concept! Fifi was able to take care of business and there is no evidence what so ever! Simple right?
Here is what I have been noticing: it's not the owners of the small dogs that have problems with this, it's those that own a dog that is capable of landing a pile of poop that is the size of that small dog. And I'm finding these football-size dumps RIGHT NEXT TO THE POO POUCH STAND!!!! Seriously. It makes no sense. There's nothing like playing with your 3 year old in the grass and seeing that your toddler's face is inches away from a pile of shit.
Now, the community manager has warned that they will fine the person(s) if they do not pick up after their pet, but quite honestly I have never seen one of these community members out there. Are we suppose to report them? Kind of like a "neighborhood watch" but maybe we could call it "poop patrol". Ridiculous. Pick up after your damn dog. It's part of the responsibility of having one. Your poor dog could be mortified and humiliated... (hey, you never know what they could be thinking!).
Sigh. I'm out. Walking my dog and making my community cleaner one Poo Pouch at a time.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Posted by
9:14 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
And so it begins...
Hello. And welcome to my little world.
I'm 28.
A female.
A mother.
A wife.
And today I start my life as an EX-SMOKER. Is that how it's suppose to be labeled? An EX-SMOKER? Do I really have to let the rest of the world know that there was a time in my life when I did smoke? I'm really good at quitting; I've done it so many times that it's second nature. And I'm REALLY god at starting up after quitting for a while. I've quit for both my pregnancies and still went back the first chance that I got. How's that for dedication?
I started when I was 16. Two wonderful friends (who are twins! =)) gave me my first smoke. But I can't blame it on them! That wouldn't be truthful and it sure as hell wouldn't be accurate. If you really want to know when my first cig was, it was at age 5. Yes. Age 5. I found a 1/2 smoked cig and decided that it would be neat to try it. After all, my mother smoked (still does!) and I wanted to be just like her (more on that in later postings!). So I picked up that damn thing, put it to my lips and took a drag. I was surprised when my eyes started watering, my fingers began burning and I started gagging. I'm sure that I didn't actually "inhale" but I got a taste of it and though, "This is nasty! This one may have rotted or something!". I really thought that it "went bad" because of the rancid taste in my mouth. Two small blisters formed on my index and middle finger. Knowing that I would probably get reamed for picking up something "icky" off the ground, I sucked up the stinging and went into my room. I never told anyone. Anyways, my two friends and I were headed to Barnes and Noble to study or something and they took out some cigarettes. "You want one?" twin number 1 asked. Hell yes I did! These girls were "cool" and I was just damn happy that we were "hanging out". Just as when I was 5, I lit that thing up and inhaled - straight into my lungs. My eyes watered and I forced with everything in my body not to start gagging. I was able to play off a few coughs, but I was mortified! I seriously thought that I was making an ass out of my self and wouldn't live another day as a Sophomore. So that was that. It wasn't long after that I got a hold of my own pack. It's funny, but I can't even remember how I got my first pack or where it came from. I can remember the smell of opening a new pack. Ahhhhh! I do remember that a girl we hung out with was able to buy CARTONS from the Mobil up the street from school. The owner/attendant thought that she was in college (not a senior in high school) and she would introduce all of us as "college friends". What a hook up. I could swing by the Mobile after school when ever I needed to and I never got carded.
I think one of the main reasons (there are a few) that I wanted to quit smoking was my husband. He wasn't a smoker when I met him and I turned him into one. Even this morning I could hear hi hacking up a lung and that was that: I knew that if I kept smoking he would too. And he's breathing and coughing weren't good. The smoking just aspirated everything and I hated that he smoked.
Did you know smoking takes away about 14 YEARS of your life? That sucks.
Did you know that my daughter asked me if she could try smoking? She's not even 3. That sucks.
So I quit. And right now, that sucks too.
Posted by
5:44 PM