Saturday, November 29, 2008

Searching for a pin in a haystack

I've decided to deepen the search for my dad. Well, I can't say "deepen" because I never really started. I always felt like it would be an insult to my mom if I tried to locate him, but now that I'm approaching 30, I figure any sort of an insult would be silly. It's not like he can provide me with any additional upbringing since the hard part was taken care of 20 years or so ago.

So I've contacted the school district that I think he may have attended. Believe it or not, there are still nice people out in the world that have a heart and someone is assisting me in looking at archives to see if they can match the name and the age. It's totally a shot in the dark since he has probably one of the most common names in America.

Tyler's Shadow

Art by Tyler! Note the sun in the upper left, the blue sky, and the shadow (my favorite part).

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5th - On a Personal Level

The election was exciting. I was unable to vote because my lazy ass still is with out a CA driver's license and I didn't even think of getting an absentee ballot for Illinois (if that was even possible). But this isn't about the presidential election. My focus was on the propositions that were floating around about gay marriage. As my friends know, my mom is gay and has been with the same partner since I was 8. Sure, it was "different" growing up since it was accepted nearly as much as it is today. Rumors always floated behind me in the halls of Junior High because you damn well know that if my mom is gay then so am I! LOL.

But on a serious note, the word of these propositions not passing brings on a very sensitive and emotional side to me as I sit here blurry-eyed. Not from last nights sleep that is swimming across my face, but the tears from defeat (California's results are not completely counted). I may have had difficult moments growing up, but it was at my own fault from being too young to understand "motherly love" from "mean mom".

Call me cocky, but I turned out to be one hell of a great person. And I attribute that to my upbringing. Not only the rearing of my birth mom, but also of the woman that was given to me by fate, Karen. She taught me (and continues to) to be understanding, selfless, loving, strong, and beautiful (yes, beautiful!). As anyone with a step parent or if they are step parents themselves, this is never an easy task. Being a parent in general isn't an easy task. But you reap the rewards a little bit each day and 20 years later you can bask in the glory of your child's successes and even the hardships since your child came through swinging (because that's what you taught them to do) and lived to tell about it.

The only thing that I have ever wanted for my parents is extreme happiness. Now, I'm not saying that getting married would give them "extreme happiness" but I feel it's time that they would have the option to do so if they wanted. As they both get older, it becomes more apparent how the benefits of marriage would help them out for the road that they continue to travel as they grow old together. It's a reward that they damn well deserve after rearing me into the person that I am today. The day or time may not come today and I can only hope that it comes sooner then the wait that equality took for so many others that were "different" from the general population. As Obama gets his chair cleaned off from the mess that sat in it before him, I hope that American's also take a nice long hot shower to scrub themselves of the filth and grime of old-school thinking. See? I have two moms and I didn't grow up with a third eye on my forehead.

We are one melting pot of hope. And I know that I'll be the maid of honor in my moms' wedding.